Matthew 10:40-42
Matthew 10 has three major themes. It begins: "He called to Him twelve disciples and He gave them authority to cast out demons and heal the sick." Then: "He sent them out to the lost sheep, doing mighty works and proclaiming the Good News." But, Jesus warns: "Some will accept you, bless them. Others will curse you, warn them. Some will harm and kill you, do not fear them. Jesus spends much time talking about the level of hatred we will face."
For most 20th Century Christians, "authority and mission" were NOT part of the church experience. We went to church, gave money, said some prayers, and tried to be good. Faith was often a private affair, and no one hated us for loving Jesus. Most everyone went to church even if few of us sought a deep relationship with God.
This morning less than 15% of Americans are in church.* Society is secular. Many mock belief in God and open hostility toward Jesus and the Christian Church is considered progressive. The conflict between the World and Jesus intensifies, so today His words have a special poignancy! However, in this hostile environment the desire for real union with the Holy Three is also increasing.
Reading Scripture, I sometimes feel like a character in the Wizard of Oz. Evil is real and scary. I long for a better place. God keeps saying, "you already have the knowledge, the love and the courage you need, just believe!" You already have the ruby red slippers to take you home, just believe.
Can it be that there is in each of us, the power and authority to preach and teach, heal and exorcise? Is it possible that the Holy Spirit of God has really consecrated us for mission? Jesus believes it so we must believe His amazing words. "Whoever welcomes you, welcomes me and whoever welcomes me, welcomes him who sent me." Jesus says, "You are me in the world! You are one with God! This is not for private enjoyment but public mission. We carry His life into a sick and dying world!
In Matthew's Gospel Jesus uses the term "little ones" to describe this intimate union. I John uses "Teknion" (little children). Both words mean we share in the life of Jesus as God's sons and daughters. Jesus says we are His beloved children, but we are afflicted with "orphan spirit."** Many of us have abandonment issues. The "orphan spirit" blocks our heart from receiving the Good News that God is our Father and we are His children. The "orphan spirit" lies to us that we are on our own and to trust no one.
The only way to combat the doubts generated by world, flesh and demonic is to declare our faith that we are God's children now and to go forth confident of the power and authority within us. As we speak our faith and live our faith the holy God fire burns stronger and the healing light of Jesus flows out of us more brightly. At such moments we are the church God wants us to be, and no enemy of God can ever harm us.
*I postulate this based on research indicates that about 17% of Americans were in church each Sunday ten years ago, and about forty percent were active. That has not increased and during the summer attendance plummets.
**in one of those Holy Spirit moments, our OSL leader came into my office as I writing about "child of God" and shared with me her reading on the orphan spirit and how it keeps people from believing that they are children of God. Thankful for that insight into unbelief and the struggle we have hearing that we are God's children now, with more to be revealed in the Kingdom.
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