Sharon Sumrall was one of those people who everyone loves. Her husband and kids are so loving and a joy to be with. Watching with them as she died I was aware that the family was an icon of "happy death," she breathed her last covered in love. Preaching at a close friends funeral is especially poignant and Sharon was a sweet and good friend. Rest in Peace dear!
[Readings Psalm 27 and The Book of Revelation 7:9-17]
We gather today to praise God for the gift of life and the hope of eternal life. We have seen, once again, death's evil power, we feel loss and sadness; yet we gather to declare our trust in God's mercy-faithfulness. In Jesus, the Father reveals His love. In the incarnation, God became Man to share our lives. In the cross, the Creator redeems the worst of His creation as Jesus dies with us and for us. In the resurrection the Father declares that death is temporary and life is forever. The Holy Spirit gives us hope as we mourn this loss.
Let us be clear, it is not selfish to miss her. It is not selfish to be with people we love. It is a godly desire to be together. Jesus wants to be with us, that is His heart's desire. The Cross of Jesus is the revelation of His broken heart. To use human language, our Lord is sad and misses us when we leave Him. So if you are sad and wish she were here, it is okay. However, there is more....
Sharon's family picked today's readings. The reading from Revelation 7 is especially appropriate because Sharon was very active in church. She worshipped here, now she worships there, with that huge congregation before the throne, crying out, "Salvation belongs to our God and to the Lamb!" She is purified by the blood of the Lamb and clothed in white. She has passed through her great ordeal into the presence of God. Jesus, the Shepherd, takes her to the waters of life. Jesus wipes away her every tear. She has become the person God always intended her to be. She is now even more wonderful and beautiful and amazing!
We are not, yet. Our tears flow. Like Jesus, we weep at the tomb. We await that day when God's Kingdom comes---we wait for the day when sin and death are no more, when tears and sadness are no more, when strife and conflict are no more. We await the day when all of heaven and earth are perfected in love and worship.
If Revelation 7 reveals heavenly worship, Psalm 27 reminds us that we still pray on earth. Like all psalms, it is a human prayer to God, yet also a Divine Word of revelation. "The Lord is my light, my help, my strength... Whom should I fear or dread?" Yes, we are surrounded by the Enemy and yes we are threatened on all sides. Yet, the one who seeks the presence of the Lord is victorious even in apparent defeat. The one who seeks His face will never be abandoned, even if they appear alone. Salvation, healing, victory, abundance---all this and more. We are not spared the pain of life, but even in the pain we are victors. Things do not always work out as we hoped, but God redeems even the worst things. The Lord is always with us. The more we love, trust and faithfully obey Him, the more His power is unleashed in us.
Sharon was a good person, but understand, that is not why she is with God. Heaven is not a reward for being good. Heaven is a relationship. Sharon is with God because she responded to Him. She said "Yes, I love you, too," and she lived out that yes as one of His people. Jesus is very clear, many are called, but few respond. God gives us free will. No one is forced into heaven. No one is made to be part of the church. The Good News is everyone who does responds by loving Him in the community of believers will be there. But God respects our freedom--if we aren't interested in being part of His people, He lets us reject Him, forever. But Jesus wants you to know--He wants all of us to be part of His holy people. Sharon has completed her earthly journey. We haven't. The Good Shepherd calls you. Jesus wants to wipe away some of those tears. Jesus says, "Each day, turn to Me, trust Me, join my Kingdom people and follow me." Sharon would tell you, "Just do it!"
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