Monday, April 5, 2021

Easter 2021: COvid or resurrection? what motivates you?



Today our worship is being impacted by Covid. This virus has reshaped our lives. It changes social interactions. We wear masks. If we cough, we wonder, “Do I have it?” If someone else coughs we wonder, “Do they have it?” It has changed our school, our jobs, and going to church. Covid has been a really big deal the last year, but really, the resurrection of Jesus Christ is a much bigger deal.

Peter was so afraid that he denied Jesus three times, but something changed him into a bold preacher who embraced martyrdom. Today we hear Peter proclaim that the God of Israel seeks the pagan nations to reverence Him. Peter shares God’s message: JESUS is the peace of Israel. Jesus was baptized and filled with Holy Spirit power to do good things; He healed people and cast out demons. 

Peter said, “I was there. I saw it. They crucified Jesus but He was raised. He appeared to us. Jesus appeared to us—the very ones who betrayed, denied and deserted Him. Jesus appeared to us and ate with us. He made it very clear that He is alive. Jesus told us to tell the world that He is God’s Messiah King who will judge all of creation and will save us from sin. The resurrection gave the apostles courage to suffer and enthusiasm to preach.

We are all going to die. Covid changed nothing. Jesus Christ, the Lord, has promised to raise you. He has conquered death—so don’t be afraid. Jesus forgives our sins, heals our brokenness and makes us one with the Father. If you need hope, spend more time with Jesus. If you are lonely, spend more time with Jesus. If you are afraid, spend more time with Jesus. The resurrection is a Foundation for faith, for joy, for courage, for peace.

So, here is my proposal: repent and believe the good news. Pray more, worry less. Spend more time in the Scripture then on the news. Let the Jesus story be the most influential source of your daily choices and decisions. Let the Holy Spirit empower you to do good things. The tomb is empty, lets act like people who believe it. The Lord has risen, we have eaten with Him every Sunday, lets live like people who believe it. Let’s be church.

1 comment:

  1. Amen. Fr Jeff’s Easter sermons renew my hope and focus
