Saturday, January 30, 2021

Powers and The Power.

Deuteronomy 18:15-20
1 Corinthians 8:1--13
Mark 1:21--28

Fourth Sunday after Epiphany 

Humans have always known that there is more to the world than the naked eye can see. We know about molecules and atoms, cells and viruses, microwaves, x-rays, and radio waves. Much of the physical world is "invisible" and sometimes it is not very physical. 

If scientists tell us that the world is a strange place, is it unreasonable to think there is an unseen, spiritual world? For example, what is a thought or a feeling? What is human consciousness? How are the mind and the brain different? Calling spirits energy or the soul an animating principle does not explain the mystery away. 

The New Testament assumes the reality of the spiritual realm. St. Paul understands idols and pagan gods. Paul had read the Hebrew Bible, particularly Isaiah, which sees the idols as blocks of wood. Paul identifies the principalities and powers behind the pagan gods as demons. Jesus knew demons were real because He had dealt with them. His mission is against the dark powers which rule humans and nations. This is part of the church’s ministry. 

Mark 1 tells of such an encounter. Jesus was teaching in Capernaum (the synagogue is the same size as our church). He was amazing. Suddenly a man with an unclean spirit begins screaming at Him. The demon accuses Jesus of being the Holy One who has come to destroy the demons. Jesus commands it to leave. The Greek word sparasso (to mangle, to rend, to spasm) describes the violent departure. Jesus is victorious in that battle, but it was a battle.

Jesus' Kingdom is love, mercy, repentance, unity and peace. Satan desires the opposite—the vicious sins which divide us and create chaos and violence. The work of demons has never ceased, but three years ago the Vatican reported* a dramatic increase in demonic activity. The mental health issues, political turmoil and violence infecting our land are hardly fruits of the Holy Spirit, would you agree? 

If the darkness discourages us, then we must remember that Jesus is phosphoros (literally one who carries light). Epiphany is a celebration of the Eternal Light become incarnate and manifesting the Salvation of God. We who believe in Jesus are filled with His Spirit and carry His light.

So believe, repent and love the Lord and one another. Be aware of the demonic powers at work among us, especially in our minds, hearts, bodies and politics. Worry less, trust more. Pray, study and serve more, worry, fear, and fight less. Jesus came to destroy the demonic and set us free, if we suffer some spasms in this earthly sojourn, we do it with hope. Jesus is victorious.




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