Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Christmas 2020

Luke 2:1-20


The birth of Jesus, Christmas, replaced the pagan celebration of the birth of the Sun god on the Winter solstice. It is the shortest, darkest day of the year. Monday, December 21, was the Winter solstice. On that dark day we were told all worship services will be limited to ten people. Dark news, we canceled our services. Yet that evening we also saw “the Christmas star” in all its glory. Light shines in the darkness.


Monday morning, I had a baptized an adorable baby girl. Last Saturday, I buried a friend from our parish. Tuesday, I administered last rites. Praying the baptism I was struck by the wording: Grant, O Lord, that all who are baptized into the death of Jesus Christ your Son may live in the power of His resurrection and look for Him to come in glory…”


Christianity is centered on death and new life. This Advent has felt particularly dark to me—our national unrest, the collapsing world economy, and now living in the recently declared “World’s Worst Place for Covid-19.” I anxiously looked forward to our Christmas services this year, instead, more darkness.


But Luke is clear that darkness is part of the Jesus story from the beginning. Emperor Augustus’ is mentioned, a reminder of Roman oppression. Jesus is born at night, laid in a feeding trough because there is no room for Him in this world. Only the lowest level of society, shepherds, are present. Remember that Jesus is born into a world where child morality rates could reach fifty percent or more. Most people were unbelievably poor.


So the angel message is important: do not be afraid. Good news. Great joy. To you is born a Savior. A Messiah. The Lord.


Whatever your pain, your frustration, your loss, or your worry…this baby shares in our existence. He shares our burdens. He is born to save and heal us all.


Jesus is the bright light who shines even in the darkness of the darkest night. Jesus is the love of God, sent to heal our broken hearts. He is the Savior, who leads us through our own death into resurrection life eternal. That is our hope.


So whatever you feel now, watching this video, will you pray in faith with me these words?


Glory to God in highest heaven

Peace upon all those whom God favors.








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