Isaiah 55:10-13
psalm 65
Romans 8:1-11
Matthew 13:1-9, 18-23
Isaiah 55* contains many memorable verses as it expresses God's saving will for His people.
Are you thirsty? Come to the water!
Have no money? eat for free!
Worldly things cannot satisfy us, yet wear ourselves out to fill our belly and ignore the greater promise of covenant with God.
God declares that His covenant with David will transcend Israel, that the nations of the world will run to join His people.
We know in the Gospels that Jesus multiplies the loaves and feeds the people with bread, but more importantly with His word. We know Jesus, the Son of David, will draw the nations to His cross at Jerusalem and form a New Israel from all the tribes of the earth.
Isaiah 55:6-11 are Canticle 10 in the Morning Prayer Office. It is a beautiful song inviting us to seek the Lord while there is time, to call Him now. Isaiah, like all the great spokesmen for God, requires our repentance "let the wicked forsake their ways, and the evil ones their thoughts and let them return to the Lord so He can have mercy." Always, always, the offer of salvation has a sense of urgency. The Day of Doom approaches.
The mind of the God of Isaiah is far above us. As the sky is far from the earth, or better, as heaven (the abode of God) is far above the fallen earth--so far away is He. The gap is unbridgeable, unless He comes to us. And so He speaks His word.
It is like precipitation falling from the clouds, the life giving waters which produce life on the earth. God is firm, His word does not return empty. He will accomplish His goal.
That Word is incarnate in Jesus Christ. Jesus is God's Self-communication to each and all of us. Jesus is the revelation of GOd in flesh and blood. Today Jesus speaks of His own ministry as throwing seed. The seed will grow, it will produce; but woe to those who are barren land.
Those who are owned by the passions and sin cannot even hear the word of Christ. Those of shallow spirit engage the Lord briefly for a season, but then quickly move on to other concerns when the price of discipleship becomes too great. The affluent and worldly have the word choked away. It is hard to receive the Lord and embrace His word.
There is abundance of fruit for any who do. this is the good news of GOd's salvation. we are of the earth, far below and far away from our maker. yet he turns to us and pours His own life into us. The connection of water and the SPirit in the Scriptures leads one to see the same possibility in Isaiah. Jesus sowing the seed of His word also echo with John 1. Our only task is to be attentive and receptive. To be aware that our Father wants us to receive His life--the Son and SPirit. He wants us to be united to Him and in this union the fruits of a holy life are automatically going to flow. Trust God will do this.
*they are also found in Canticle 10, which we recite each Friday at Morning Prayer.
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