Sunday, October 1, 2017

On Synergism and Theosis: God's Salvation for All and Each One

Ezekiel 18:1-4, 25-32   Psalm 25:1-8   Philippians 2:1-13   Matthew 21:23-32

The Jewish Bible was composed over a time period stretching some one thousand years. The different time periods and settings generate the sort of  pendulum effects we have always seen in human history. Within the Bible there is even theological development, and today is an example. The prophet Ezekiel's word rejects the longstanding way Israel understood sin and guilt. The twenty missing verse explain it in detail, but basically sin/guilt/punishment was considered a corporate/family issue. Families shared in the blame. This is a communal understanding of human existence which was the norm in ancient culture (and eastern culture). However, now God declares that each nephesh//living soul will be held accountable for his/her own personal life. This is a radical shift toward the individual, and our cultural norms are shaped by it. However, we must not miss the central point: relationship with YHWH Lord is always in present tense. What you did, good or bad, is not determinative, what is the relationship right now, that is what is determinative. Repent, come back, return to ME He says over and over. God shares His heart, "I don't want people to perish, I want them to live." He repeats, "I have no pleasure in the death of anyone who dies...Repent, then, and live."

Whatever else God can do or could do, what He has done is make creation where there is free will. Freedom is a requirement for relationship and love. This is the meaning of the Cross--God made people who can reject Him. Our choices can thwart God's will that "all live." Life requires "a new heart and a new Spirit." The Hebrew here is enlightening. The verb 'asah (to do, to make, to labor, to fashion) occurs numerous times in the creation account to describe God's creative work. Now it is applied to the work of the human agent in making a new heart. Many prefer to think that salvation is a "God only" affair. There are isolated verses which seem to say this, but that is not the message of the entire Scripture. Both the teaching of the New Testament (synergo=synergy/with+work; see 1 Thessalonians 3:2; 1 Corinthians 3:9; Romans 8:28; 2 Corinthians 6:1 and Mark 16:20) and Ancient Church* recognize that human labor--the cooperation/synergism--are the journey of life. The goal is a new heart (leb-heart, mind, center, inner person, character) and a new spirit (ruah-wind, breath, spirit, mind). The process begins by literally to "casting off sin" (repentance and conversion) while you transform from within. Spirituality is a moving from (sin/death) and a moving toward (God/life). Although human effort is not sufficient, the Scripture cannot be broken--God's revelation is that you must do the hard work needed to have a new heart and spirit.

This may be why St. Paul says: "Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling."

In isolation such a message may discourage us. It can be misunderstood to imply that salvation is a human centered process (the Pelagian heresy). In reality, we learn that our efforts to create a new heart and spirit produce so little. We take a few steps forward, only to slip backward. Progress is measured in inches, and so we give up by being preoccupied with the distractions of passing things. Who wants fear and trembling about salvation when daily worries consume us? Fortunately, it is not our work alone. Paul continues, "for it is God who is at work in you, enabling you both to will and work for His good pleasure." The Ancient Father's understood synergism holistically: God saves us in and through our own conversion work. God is the source of this He supports the process which turns us from Sin and Death toward union with the Holy Three God.

Jesus is central to this. The incarnation is the instrument of this. Paul, as we have seen recently, often speaks of the mind and our way of perceiving, thinking, feeling, judging... Paul says we must think alike, we must have the mind of Jesus Christ. How much time do you focus on this task? Do you understand the world you live in? Do you understand how many of  the values and beliefs which shape you are not of God? Your mind, heart, and is a battlefield---but we do not battle alone. God is with us in Jesus.

The Eternal Son, emptied Himself of "God-ness." (kenosis-make empty)
No mystery is more mysterious. How can God become human?
No mystery is more unfathomable. How can the Eternal become finite and limited?
No mystery is more beautiful. Jesus emptied Himself to make us full.
This is love! This is redemption and salvation. This is also our purpose and goal in life.
God became human so that humans can become God. Theosis-divinizaton!
Perfect union in love.

So receive His mind. Read the Sacred Scriptures and pray, engage in acts of love and resist the thoughts and desires of the fallen mind (nous) and heart
It is the most important thing you will ever do.
Understand that it will be terribly difficult but trust that He will accomplish all that you labor to achieve.

(*In the Eastern Orthodox and non-Augustinian West synergism is embraced; see

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