Isaiah 58:9b-14
psalm 103:1-8
Hebrews 12:18-29
Luke 13:10-17
Isaiah 58 is a stunning prophesy where, God declares that His people
are false and sinful, engaging in empty pious practices; but He promises, ‘if
you care for the poor, your light will shine. If you take care of the needy
your healing [‘aruwkah: a long bandage, healing, restoration] will
spring up quickly.’ Salvation heals body and soul, individuals and communities—and
it begins here and now!
However, Isaiah says: Salvation is received through obedient,
loving-trust. Serving the poor opens us to receive the gift, probably because we receive from God through the same door to our heart from which our generosity and love pour out. The Sabbath also
matters, “if you refrain from trampling the Sabbath, from pursuing your
own interests on my holy day; if you call the sabbath a delight and the holy
day of the Lord honorable; if you honor it, not going your own ways, serving
your own interests, or pursuing your own affairs…” God says He will raise you
We know that the ministry of Jesus is our model. We see that He saves the needy--healing is
a weapon of spiritual warfare. Jesus healed constantly. Taking healing out of the Jesus' ministry is like playing baseball without a bat. Healing is a major part of the Gospel narrative. In fact, there are forty recorded healing incidents, of which eleven involved crowds. Seven times Jesus healed on the sabbath, including
today’s controversy.
So we turn to ask, does Jesus conform to God’s message in Isaiah 58? Is He disdaining
the Sabbath, pursuing His own interests, and trampling on God’s holy day? It seems not. He is freeing a woman in bondage to a “spirit of weakness” (infirmity) and as He said elsewhere, the Father continues to work, He has no sabbath break from His creation. Jesus, the Incarnate God, must continue the work of 'creation', this is
a work of salvation—He reveals God’s saving love. Sabbath is for human restoration
and Jesus is restoring!
The New Testament delineates different causes for illness, some
physical and others spiritual, Today the woman is sick for eighteen years because of a spirit of infirmity. [We hear often that the majority of physical illness (75%-90%) is actually connected to cognitive and emotional causes--the spiritual realm.] All human illness belongs to Satan’s reign, not God's Kingdom. It
is hard to overstate how important healing is in the mission of Jesus and His
church. Where God is king there is health and salvation!
Spiritual warfare between Jesus and Satan continues today. Social
conflict, physical disease and mental illness are all a taste of hell—but Jesus
is risen and through the church He not only can heal, He does
heal. Jesus is healing among us every day! We have seen people healed of cancer and all other manner of maladies. We have even seen it happen immediately--people's surgeries canceled because the cancer or malady was gone!
Doubters say, “but so many sick aren’t healed.” While it is true, isn't it also fair to ask “why?” Isaiah 58, says that healing/restoration occurs among
those who serve the poor and do not pursue their own desires. If our community is disobedient then the word of God makes clear, healings will not happen. God says sin is a barrier. So, too, He says are fear, doubt and unforgiveness. Remember, we are connected to community, our own faith is part of a larger system.
Jesus testified to the power of unbelief—and too many Christians
do not believe. We reduce salvation to ‘going to heaven after we die,’ we deny that there is a devil
and preachers declare that Jesus no longer heals. Christians are actually programed to
say, “Don’t bother God with your problems when there are others who are worse
off.” We literally believe that Almighty God has His hands full, we can help Him by not
asking! Ironically, the opposite is true…. Healings increase faith, which draws
more people closer to God, which leads to more healing. Our refusal to ask
in faith only adds to the doubt and despair in the world. Understand, the
spirit of infirmity is already here among us; we need Jesus' healing salvation.
Our Father promises amazing things if we are radically generous to
the poor, if we love our Lord and trust His power to heal. Jesus-light already shines
in the world—the question is, do enough of us want it shining here?
addendum (9/8/19)
1. The point of Isaiah is that "the nation" is under judgement. The entire people, the group, and any individual is always part of the group. There is NOT a direct linear correlation between "taking care of the poor" and "receiving God's blessings." While our individual lives do matter, the social context does as well.
2. Salvation is a whole body experience, and healing affects all aspects of the human person and human community. Physical healing is not the primary issue, right relationship with God is.
3. While salvation/healing begins now it does not reach its completion (teleos--perfection, wholeness, completeness, end). So the question "are you saved?' is answered by "how do I look?" which literally means--do I look like I am seeking God and receiving His life? Do I look like I am on the path and headed in the right direction? Are their manifestations of God's Holy Spirit in my life?
4. "Doubters" are not the only ones who ask "why are not all healed?" We all have those questions. However, there are many people who self identify as non-believers. It is them to whom I refer. Unfortunately, to some extent, we are all doubters. The Bible is clear, our doubt is a barrier to God. Peter sunk in the water and Jesus asked, "Why did you doubt?" The disciples are scared in a storm and Jesus asked, "Why have you no faith?" There are dozens of times that unbelief is challenged by Jesus. Part of facing our "sinfulness" is admitting that we have doubts and these doubts are a problem.
5. All physical healing is temporary. Lazarus is dead. The disciples are dead. I understand mortality is real. However, healings took place in Jesus' ministry and to the extent Jesus' ministry flows UNIMPEDED through us we will see "greater deeds than these" (per His promise).
6. We live in a fallen world. Sin, unbelief, disease, suffering, mental illness, etc. are the "World" (in the negative sense). We are in a physical, social, spiritual environment which is (more or less) toxic.
7. Being healed does not mean you have more faith than someone who was not healed, necessarily. Personal faith is one important component, but there is much more to the story. How serious is the problem? The bigger the problem, the more power is needed. What about your social environment? are you surrounded by anger, fear, doubt? What about outside spiritual forces? Is the Enemy at work? Are there people who wish you ill? Are there unconscious wounds or thoughts at work? Sometimes the ministers are filled with doubt. Their prayers are ineffectual. It is not a simple equation of faith means healing.
8. Even if the physical healing doesn't happen there can be other healings of greater long term impact. Many who die are closer to God in faith and love. From the perspective of eternity, ten or twenty years are not much. From our perspective, they can feel like an eternity. Herein lies the dilemma
9. There is so much more that I do not know or understand, than there is that I do. I am hopeful what I have learned and shared here is of value.
addendum (9/8/19)
1. The point of Isaiah is that "the nation" is under judgement. The entire people, the group, and any individual is always part of the group. There is NOT a direct linear correlation between "taking care of the poor" and "receiving God's blessings." While our individual lives do matter, the social context does as well.
2. Salvation is a whole body experience, and healing affects all aspects of the human person and human community. Physical healing is not the primary issue, right relationship with God is.
3. While salvation/healing begins now it does not reach its completion (teleos--perfection, wholeness, completeness, end). So the question "are you saved?' is answered by "how do I look?" which literally means--do I look like I am seeking God and receiving His life? Do I look like I am on the path and headed in the right direction? Are their manifestations of God's Holy Spirit in my life?
4. "Doubters" are not the only ones who ask "why are not all healed?" We all have those questions. However, there are many people who self identify as non-believers. It is them to whom I refer. Unfortunately, to some extent, we are all doubters. The Bible is clear, our doubt is a barrier to God. Peter sunk in the water and Jesus asked, "Why did you doubt?" The disciples are scared in a storm and Jesus asked, "Why have you no faith?" There are dozens of times that unbelief is challenged by Jesus. Part of facing our "sinfulness" is admitting that we have doubts and these doubts are a problem.
5. All physical healing is temporary. Lazarus is dead. The disciples are dead. I understand mortality is real. However, healings took place in Jesus' ministry and to the extent Jesus' ministry flows UNIMPEDED through us we will see "greater deeds than these" (per His promise).
6. We live in a fallen world. Sin, unbelief, disease, suffering, mental illness, etc. are the "World" (in the negative sense). We are in a physical, social, spiritual environment which is (more or less) toxic.
7. Being healed does not mean you have more faith than someone who was not healed, necessarily. Personal faith is one important component, but there is much more to the story. How serious is the problem? The bigger the problem, the more power is needed. What about your social environment? are you surrounded by anger, fear, doubt? What about outside spiritual forces? Is the Enemy at work? Are there people who wish you ill? Are there unconscious wounds or thoughts at work? Sometimes the ministers are filled with doubt. Their prayers are ineffectual. It is not a simple equation of faith means healing.
8. Even if the physical healing doesn't happen there can be other healings of greater long term impact. Many who die are closer to God in faith and love. From the perspective of eternity, ten or twenty years are not much. From our perspective, they can feel like an eternity. Herein lies the dilemma
9. There is so much more that I do not know or understand, than there is that I do. I am hopeful what I have learned and shared here is of value.
The seven sabbath miracles